Sexually open and adventurous escort, genuinely bisexual, and eager to experience the special pleasures that our free spirits can enjoy

Those who know me well say that I am a very sexual person, and a sensual lover. When I feel a deep connection, my natural inhibitions melt away as trust builds; my body surrenders completely to the moment, and the world outside my partner’s arms seems to float away to a distant dimension. I’ve never had to - or tried to - fake passion: good chemistry fires a furnace deep in my core until my heat bursts outward into an unquenchable flame.

I’m also careful to ensure that I please my partner thoroughly: listening carefully to their desires and to their boundaries so that I may curate for him, or for her, a uniquely pleasurable experience that stimulates and satisfies all of their senses, and mine.

My personal tastes are straightforward: I’m naturally on the submissive side, but sometimes my mischievous streak insists on joining the party, perhaps with a power exchange or other role plays. I’m kink-friendly, so if there’s a particular experience you’d like to explore in our times together, a style that you’d like me to dress in, or a type of toy that intrigues you, please do tell me. Together we’ll be sure to top your cake with cream!

I enjoy dates with solo gentlemen, with solo ladies, and with couples. As a special treat for us both, I would be thrilled if you wished to invite one (or more:) of my stunning girlfriends to join us on our rendezvous: they will inject a supercharged energy and spontaneous dynamic that has to be experienced to be believed!  

With a little advance planning, we can enjoy explore further afield in more structured adventures: experiences that I would particularly enjoy include an Eyes Wide Shut party, or to visit to an adults-only resort such as Hedonism in Negril, Jamaica, or Desire in Cancun, Mexico I’m quite new to, but very intrigued, by such adventures, so I’m keen to explore and to learn more about this lifestyle – whether you’re a newbie, too, or an experienced hedonist!

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