The Mistress

I stood at the bar, the dim light casting a sultry glow on my figure, feeling the weight of every gaze that drifted my way. The room was alive with the murmur of voices, but my attention was drawn to one particular man, standing there like a deer caught in headlights. He quivered at the mere sight of me, his eyes wide with a mix of desire and confusion.

With my long, silky blonde hair cascading down my shoulders and my deep red lips parting in a knowing smile, I could feel the pull I had on him. My blue eyes met his, piercing through any facade he tried to maintain. I wore a tight black top that clung to my bra-less curves, paired with a knee-length skirt that accentuated my figure, every inch a testament to the beauty of power and seduction.

I motioned for him to approach, and he obeyed, his hesitation only amplifying my allure. As he stood before me, I could sense his mind racing, desperate for words that would impress. Instead, he stumbled through mindless small talk, the kind that dripped from the lips of simpletons who had no real stories to share.

“Are you a simpleton?” I asked, my tone teasing yet direct.

“No, no, of course not. Erm...what would you like to talk about?” he stuttered, clearly overwhelmed. I reveled in the effect I had on him. I could see the struggle in his eyes, the way his thoughts turned to fantasies of me, my mouth drawing him to ecstasy.

“I do not wish to talk,” I declared, a smirk playing on my lips. “We are leaving.”

In that moment, I knew I had him right where I wanted. The thrill of the chase surged through me, and I was ready to lead him into a world of pleasure and surrender.

There was an undeniable power radiating from me, a surreal force that made any argument seem utterly inconceivable. I could sense the effect I had on him—he was caught in a mesmerizing web, as if he were stepping into an unfolding bondage story, blissfully unaware of how deep he would soon descend.

I led him out of the building, watching as he followed me like a devoted puppy trailing his master. The anticipation crackled in the air as we approached a block of apartments. I opened the door and gestured for him to enter.

“No, no, ladies first,” he insisted, his gentlemanly demeanor both charming and amusing.

“I,” I replied, locking my emerald gaze onto his, “am no lady. This you will soon discover.” He complied, stepping inside my sanctuary, though I could see the uncertainty flickering in his eyes. Hypnotized by my beauty, he had become a willing servant to this creature of the night.

The apartment was small yet atmospheric, a haven steeped in seduction. “Drink?” I demanded, handing him a cup filled with a deep red liquid, its hue reminiscent of desire and mystery.

“Erm... what is this?” he stuttered, a hint of trepidation in his voice, as if fearing it might be blood.

“Red wine. What else could it be?” I smiled, the first genuine smile of the evening—a seductive curl of my lips that promised nothing but wicked intentions. In that moment, it was clear that innocence had no place in my world.

I strode across the room with an elegance that was all my own, my hips swaying to a rhythm only I could hear, though no music played. As I leaned closer to him, my breasts brushed against him, our faces inches apart. The atmosphere thickened with unspoken desire, and I reveled in the intoxicating power I held over him, knowing he was just beginning to grasp the depths of my allure.

I leaned in close, my lips brushing against his ear as I whispered, “You want to fuck me, don’t you?” The tremor in his voice confirmed my suspicion. “Yes, yes I do.” He sounded like a nervous teenage virgin, overwhelmed by the anticipation of the unknown pleasures that awaited him.

“How much do you want to fuck me?” I asked, my tone shifting to one of command, louder and more demanding. “A lot, really a lot,” he replied, his voice barely above a whisper, filled with longing.

“Then get on your knees like a good boy and beg me for it.” I watched with satisfaction as he complied, surprised by his own willingness to submit to a woman he had known for only a few hours.

“Please, please let me touch you,” he pleaded, a mix of humiliation and excitement coursing through him. I could see the flush of embarrassment on his cheeks, and it only heightened my own desire.

“What would you do to please me? To earn the privilege of touching me?” I smiled, a knowing grin that conveyed my total control over him. He was completely at my command, and I relished the power.

“What would you do to please me? To earn the privilege of touching me?” I smiled, a knowing grin that conveyed my total control over him. He was completely at my command, and I relished the power.

“You would do anything what?” I pressed, my eyes narrowing playfully.
“I would do anything, mistress. Sorry, mistress.” The way he uttered the word “mistress” sent a thrill through me.
“For your insolence, you will be punished,” I said, my voice dripping with authority. “Do you think you should be punished?”

“Yes, yes, mistress,” he replied, the eagerness in his voice unmistakable.

“Strip, and make it quick.”

He hurriedly undressed, revealing himself to me in a way that ignited my senses. “Bend over the bed. Now!” I commanded, and he obeyed without hesitation.

A mirror hung on the wall in front of him, and I could see his expression reflected back at him—a mix of anticipation and vulnerability. I retrieved my spider whip, feeling the familiar thrill of power as I prepared to teach him a lesson.

“Bad boys who can’t behave must be punished,” I said, my voice low and sultry. “Otherwise, they would never learn, would they?”

“No, mistress,” he replied, his voice barely a whisper.

I brought the whip down hard against him, and he yelled out, the pain and excitement intertwining until the two emotions became one. “Are you sorry for your insolence?” I demanded, striking him again as I spoke.

“Yes, mistress,” he gasped, his back and buttocks burning from the lashes I had delivered and the ones still to come. In that moment, he was entirely mine, a willing participant in this dance of pleasure and pain, and I was ready to take him deeper into my world.

I watched him, a grown man reduced to a mere few inches in my presence, as he knelt before me, trembling with anticipation. “Are you grateful that your mistress cares enough to guide you?” I asked, my voice a sultry whisper. “Yes, mistress, thank you, mistress,” he replied, his desire palpable. I could see the way he was affected by me, the tension in his body unmistakable.

“Return to your knees,” I commanded softly, my tone leaving no room for disobedience. “How would you repay me for my gift?”

“Anything, mistress, anything you desire,” he replied eagerly.

“Then show me your devotion,” I instructed, lifting my skirt just enough to reveal the smoothness of my skin, a hint of what lay beneath. I sensed his eagerness as he knelt and leaned closer, parting my lips gently.

With each soft lick, I felt myself responding, my body alive with sensation. He quickened his pace, the heat of his tongue igniting my desires. I tangled my fingers in his hair, urging him to delve deeper. “Harder! Harder!” I commanded, and he obeyed, feeling the waves of pleasure build within me.

As i reached my peak, a shudder coursed through me, and i let out a cry of ecstasy, my body enveloping him in warmth. “You have served me well,” I gasped, my breath coming in quick bursts. “For this, you shall be rewarded.”

With a swift motion, I pushed him back onto the bed, the anticipation crackling in the air. “You have such a lovely manhood; you want to feel my lips around it, don’t you?”

“Yes, mistress!” he gasped, his need evident.

I lowered myself, savoring the moment as i took him into my mouth, feeling the warmth and weight of him. I reveled in his pleasure, the way he responded to my every movement. Just as i sensed him nearing his climax, I pinched the tip gently.

“Did I permit you?” I asked, my voice firm yet teasing. “Did you hear me say you could come?”

“No, mistress, I’m sorry,” he stammered, the desperation in his voice only fueling her desire.

“Lie down,” I instructed, watching as he complied, exposed and vulnerable before me. I tied his wrists to the bedpost, my fingers deftly securing him. “Is that too tight?” I asked, feigning innocence.

“No, mistress,” he replied, but i could see the tension in his body.

“Then it isn’t tight enough!” I said playfully, tightening the ropes just enough to keep him firmly in place. I straddled him, dragging my nails down his chest, teasingly slow at first before i began to move with purpose, riding him with a rhythm that matched the pulse of our desires.

“Don’t you dare come until I say so,” I warned, my voice low and commanding. The intensity of the moment enveloped us, and i felt his restraint falter as he pleaded, “Please, mistress, I need to.”

“How much do you need to come?” I teased, my own excitement building with each thrust.

“So much, mistress, please!” he begged, the need in his voice sending shivers down my spine.

“Now!” I finally cried out, and as my own release washed over me, I felt him follow suit, our bodies entwined in a moment of pure bliss.

After a few moments of shared ecstasy, I rolled onto the bed, glistening with satisfaction. I caught my breath and rose, dressing with a sense of satisfaction. As i straightened my clothes, I glanced back at him, a playful smile on my lips. “Would you like a coffee before you go?”
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The Master